What is a Home Group? Home groups play a central and vital role in the life of our church. While we are all one family, we believe it is important to make connections and form community in smaller groups. This allows us to get to know one another, support one another, pray for one another and encourage one another at a level not possible in the fellowship time on a Sunday. Home Groups are a place to draw closer to God and grow in Christian maturity and understanding as we explore the Bible and seek to follow Jesus together.
What happens at a Home Group meeting? All of our Home Groups are different, but they all include friendship, Scripture, Prayer, and usually biscuits and cake! Vitally they help us to apply the Bible to our everyday lives, and offer a safe place to share our struggles, celebrations, and life. Some of our groups follow material based on our current sermon series, to allow them to go deeper into the Scripture we explored together on Sunday. Others explore other books of the Bible, or use material and DVDs to explore relevant topics to that particular group. We also encourage our groups to be missional. To think practically how they can follow and share Jesus with others together.
How can I join a Home Group? Just get in touch with us. You can email us, or even better fill out this form, and someone from the church will be in touch with you. You can also talk to the pastor, or one of our leadership team on a Sunday morning. We will do everything we can to find a group that works for you.
What about for young people? Great question! We have a youth home group that meets twice a month. On the first and last Sunday of every month. This is an opportunity for young people to go deeper into the Bible, to build relationships, and to pray for one another. For more information on this email; [email protected]