Prayer is at the centre of all that we are, and all that we do as a church family. We take prayer seriously. We believe that prayer is both a natural instinct, and also the reason for which we were created. We were created for relationship with God, and one of the ways we can speak and listen to God is in prayer. As well as seeking to encourage and equip our church family to make prayer a pattern in their own life, we also create spaces for people to come together and pray for our church, our community, and our world. Whether prayer is something new to you, or something you know the power of, we would love to see you at one of our prayer gatherings.
Prayer Focus Every Monday - 10am -11am - at The Beacon Prayer focus is our weekly prayer meeting. It lasts for an hour and is an amazing opportunity to pray together for our church, community and world.
Early Morning Prayer Thursdays 7.15 - 8.00am (school term time only) A great way to start the day with an opportunity to spend time in prayer with a few others. Come and go as you are able to.
Encounter : Prayer & Worship 2nd Wednesday of each month - 7:30pm - at The Beacon We gather to worship God and to spend time in prayer together. This time is often themed for specific topics of prayer, and usually includes time to seek God's face and will for our church. However, we also pray for our community, our country, and our world.
Multi Sensory Prayer Room Room Three - at The Beacon Room three is our dedicated prayer space for all ages. It is a space where anyone from our church family or our community can come and be still. You may wish to sit in silence and pray, or you may wish to make use of a number of prayer stations set up to help you pray creatively. These prayer stations change regularly throughout the year depending on any particular theme or topic we are encouraging prayer for.
Pre-Service Prayer Every Sunday morning The most important preparation we can do for our church gatherings is spending time in prayer. Anyone can join us for this open time of prayer. You don't need to stay for the full session, most people drop in and out. Come and prepare your heart for worship, and pray for a move of God's Spirit, and fresh encounter, amongst us all.
Prayer Ministry Every Sunday - following the service When we meet together for worship we are expectant that God will speak to people. Sometimes we also come to church carrying issues, anxieties, fears, or doubts. Sometimes we need help processing that, and sometimes God calls us to respond initially by being prayed for. Prayer is the heartbeat of a healthy church, and we want to make prayer as open and accessible as possible. As well as making it a normal part of our church culture. After each service our dedicated and sensitive prayer team are available to pray with you. They can be located by looking out for their orange lanyards. You can share as much or as little as you want with them, and they will be happy to pray with you.
Home Groups It is great to get to know people on a deeper level. It is great to be prayed for regularly and pray for others. Home Group is one of the main ways this can happen. Click here if you'd like to know more about our Home Groups.