Most of what we do as a church, we do together. But sometimes it is appropriate to create space for men's ministry to take place. We have a number of ministries taking place in the life of the church for men.
Men's Breakfast Third Saturday of the Month - 08:00am-09:30am
Come and join us for some breakfast and a time of fellowship together. Come with friends, or come and make new ones. Everyone is welcome. After a time of eating and conversation a guest speaker will share a short testimony about life and faith. There is then an opportunity to discuss and ask questions.
If you would like details of our next breakfast, get in touch with us.
Men's Home Group First Wednesday of the Month - 10:00am
Our Men's Home Group is a time for men of all ages to gather together and support and encourage one another. The session includes prayer and exploring relevant topics in light of scripture. If you are looking for more information on Home Groups, you can find it here.
Special Events Various dates & times. We occasionally run special events, trips, and activities for men. Keep an eye out for the next one!